Metodología para el dimensionamiento óptimo de sistemas híbridos para la electrificación de comunidades rurales situadas en el Occidente de México utilizando herramientas computacionales de optimización


Carrillo-Gómez Iván1ORCID,Coronado-Mendoza Alberto1ORCID,González-Gabriel Luis Fernando1ORCID


1. Universidad de Guadalajara


This paper shows the importance acquired by specialized software for the design of energy systems that operate under a scheme outside the electricity grid and incorporate Renewable Energy. The relevance of this work is based on the understanding that one of the objectives of current governments is to improve the quality of life of people and their marginality index, through access to electricity service. A methodology is proposed for the sizing of an isolated hybrid system using HOMER Pro, a software of optimization of power systems that facilitates the technical and economic evaluation of the system. It started with the elaboration of a demand profile for a rural community located in the municipality of Mezquitic in the North of the state of Jalisco based on an international review, which allows to improve its Human Development Index; and the selection of the different energy generation and storage components that make up the system. The result of the simulations allows us to build a table of results, which facilitates the selection of equipment because it allows to observe the different combinations of technical, economic and meteorological variables and economically viable.



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