1. Universidad Veracruzana
In Mexico, adolescents receive sexual education from basic education, however, not all adolescents understand the knowledge they need to know to make decisions in relation to their sexual life, so the rate of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) ) continues to rise. Given this scenario, Social Workers, like other professionals, must assume the commitment to implement sexual education actions for the prevention of pregnancy at an early age, sexual and reproductive health and the promotion of sexual rights, so that the interest of carrying out a comparative study on the opinion of adolescents from two public and two private educational institutions in the City of Poza Rica, Veracruz, about their sexual education. The study presents results obtained through the application of an instrument consisting of 29 questions focused on knowing the opinion of adolescents about their sexual education, contraceptive methods and teenage pregnancy. The objective of the research is to know the perspective of the students of two private and two public educational institutions on sexual education and teenage pregnancy, to establish proposals on a comprehensive Sexual Education.
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