Distributed generation with a photovoltaic generating plant interconnected to a medium voltage network in the marginalized town of Xbilincoc, Campeche


LEZAMA-ZÁRRAGA Francisco Román1,CHAN-GONZALEZ Jorge de Jesús1,SHIH Meng Yen1,SALAZAR-UITZ Ricardo Rubén1


1. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


In this paper, it is proposed to lay the foundations for the implementation of a Photovoltaic Systems Interconnected onto Network Distribution Systems that benefits the marginalized population of the town of Xbilincoc, Campeche. Through Distributed Generation (DG) it will be possible to direct the electrical energy produced by this plant for its own consumption and / or sale to the electrical company denomined Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE), depending on the analysis of consideration for services that is most convenient for the producers. The power generating plant will be managed by the fishing cooperative formed by the commissioner and the most active fishermen of the town and the economic resources necessary for its construction and commissioning will be through a financing mechanism granted by a governing body denomined Fideicomiso de Ahorro de Energía (FIDE) and when it has been paid in full, the economic benefits for families will be to ensure that the cost of their consumption of electric energy does not increase, and to strengthen the economic development of the town of Punta Xen by administering the resources obtained from the sale of electrical energy to the CFE.




General Medicine

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