1. Universidad Politécnica de Juventino Rosas
In this work, the effect of the boronizing thermochemical treatment on the adherence and surface morphology of the boride layer formed in DIN UC1 steel was evaluated. The process was carried out by packing at the temperature of 1273 K, at the times of 4800, 6000, 7200 and 14400 seconds. The HRC adherence test based on the VDI 1398 standard, was simulated in COMSOL 5.0®; analysing the effect of the thickness of the boride layer and the roughness on the Von Mises stress, in addition to the stress on the indentation footprint; in which it was observed that by increasing the thickness of the layer from 22.2 to 37.8 µm the stresses increased, and therefore the adhesion of the layer on the substrate improved, which causes only the formation of microcracks. On the other hand, in the greater layer thickness (60.04 µm) the layer delaminates. Therefore, for an industrial application of DIN UC1 steel treated thermochemically by borurization, layer thicknesses up to 37.8 µm are recommended.