1. Oviposition Site Preference of Lygus hesperus (Hemiptera: Miridae) on Common Bean in Relation to Bean Age and Genotype
2. Bariola L.A. 1969. The biology of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Beauvois), and its nature of damage and control on cottonp. 102 Ph.D. dissertation. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
3. Barkley V. Ellsworth P.C. 2004. Search for effective chemical controls for Lygus bugs and whiteflies in Arizona cotton, pp. 187–197 In . Silvertooth J.C. Cotton: A College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Report P-138. Publication No. AZ1335. University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Tucson, AZ.
4. Ovipositional Behavior of Lygus hesperus1 on Two Cotton Genotypes
5. Lygus hesperus (Heteroptera: Miridae) Oviposition Behavior, Growth, and Survival in Relation to Cotton Trichome Density1