Ugovor o obaveznom osiguranju u međunarodnom privatnom pravu


Fras Mariusz1


1. Law Faculty of Silesian University


Compulsory insurance is present in a vast majority of countries in the world and in all European countries. As international legal relations increasingly intensify, the market of cross-border insurance is also expanding. Despite entry into force of the provisions of the Rome I Regulation and the oncoming reform of the Brussels I bis Regulation, the European private international law, to the extent it governs compulsory insurance, is still a compromise. In the absence of a clear regime under the Rome I Regulation, doubts are still raised by the question of the pursuit for law applicable to group insurance contracts.


University Library in Kragujevac

Reference66 articles.

1. Bagan-Kurluta, K. (2011). Prawo prywatne międzynarodowe.Warszawa: H. Beck.

2. Basedow, (2004). Consument contracts and insurance contracts in a future Rome I-Regulation, Meeusen J., Pertegás M., Straetmans G. (eds.) in: Enforcement of International Contracts in the European Union. Convergence and divergence between Brussels I and Rome I. Antwerp – Oxford – New York: Intersentia Publishers.

3. Bigot, J. (ed.) (2002). Traité de Droit des assurances. Tome 3.

4. Le contrat d’assurance. Paris: LGDJ, Lextenso éditions.

5. Carr, I. (2010). Insurance Trade Law. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.







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