The artificial forest communities as an environmental factor of ecological safety at Kryvyi Rih ore-mining and metallurgical district


Kvitko M. O., ,Savosko V. M.,Likholat Yu. V.,Hrygoryk I. P., , ,


It is shown that the finding environment importance artificial forest communities are an important prerequisite for optimizing the state environment in the industrialized regions of Ukraine. The aim of this work is to analyze from the point of ecosystem approach to analyze artificial forest communities as a promising factor of ecological safety of the Kryvyi Rih mining and metallurgical region. The materials of the work were scientific publications and the results of their own field studies, which were performed during 2013-2019 on the territory of natural and artificially created forest phytocenoses, located in contrasting ecological conditions and representing the main varieties of tree plantations. It is proved that in the forest cultivar phytocenoses of the region tree species of plants are in a stressful state, because they are constantly affected by adverse environmental factors of natural and anthropogenic genesis. We have made the assumption that the artificial forest communities of the Kryvyi Rih region should become one of the key environmental factors that determine its ecological safety, both individually in this region and in Ukraine as a whole. To solve this problem, it is necessary to achieve optimal forest cover of Kryvyi Rih region (8-10%) by creating new plantations and taking into account scientific prerequisites and ordering existing ones. To solve this problem, it is necessary to achieve optimal forest cover of Kryvyi Rih region (8-10%) by creating new plantations and taking into account scientific prerequisites and ordering existing ones. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to achieve optimal forest cover of the Kryvyi Rih region (8-10%) by creating new forest plantations and arranging existing trees, taking into account the scientific prerequisites.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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