This research is justified by environmental problems that are related to the quality of water for drinking, fishing and recreational purposes. The Kyiv Reservoir has a number of functions that are important for societal developments. Thus, our research focusing on the water quality of the Kyiv Reservoir is essential to better understand the provision of the national economy and for the development of the water economy as a whole. The purpose of our research was to synthesise the current knowledge regarding hydrological, geological and biological characteristics of the Kyiv Reservoir. This is Part 1 of our research. Our research had the following tasks: to identify the main functions of the reservoir, to analyze its hydrological conditions, landscape and relief changes. The research methodology took into account the systematic approach, which made it possible to analyse the main provisions of the reservoir. This includes that water of Kyiv Reservoir is used for purposes such as water management (energy, fisheries, water supply, irrigation), transport, recreation. The reservoir plays an important role in regulating the water network in the whole drainage basin of the Dnipro River. The reservoir has an important support for hydrological, and landscape functions by allowing to avoid erosion.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
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