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The essence of the concept of «economic security of the functioning of agricultural enterprises» has been revealed and clarified. Methodical approaches to determining the basic level of economic security of the functioning of agricultural enterprises are proposed. The impact of military conflicts on the economic stability of agricultural enterprises is studied. The main challenges faced by agricultural enterprises in the conditions of military operations are determined. Strategies and measures are being developed to ensure the effective functioning of enterprises during the wartime period. Attention is paid to key aspects of economic security, such as risk management, resource reserve, and adaptation of business models under the influence of wartime conditions. A detailed analysis of strategies provides an understanding of how agricultural enterprises can effectively protect their economic security and maintain stability in times of military threats. The economic security of the functioning of agricultural enterprises is the state of the enterprise, which characterizes its ability to be effective, despite internal and external threats. The basic level of economic security of the functioning of agricultural enterprises is determined based on the assessment of such indicators as financial stability, production capacity, competitiveness, environmental safety. Military conflicts create significant threats to the economic security of agricultural enterprises. The main challenges include: disruption of production processes; reducing access to resources; increasing the level of risks. To ensure the effective functioning of agricultural enterprises during the war period, it is necessary to develop and implement a set of measures, such as: risk management; resource reservation; adaptation of business models. Risk management involves the development and implementation of measures aimed at reducing the probability and consequences of negative events. Resource reservation involves the creation of reserves of resources necessary to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the enterprise. The adaptation of business models involves changing the organizational structure, technologies, production processes, etc., taking into account the conditions of wartime. The proposed strategies and measures ensure an increase in the economic security of agricultural enterprises and contribute to their sustainable functioning in the period of military threats.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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