The Epistolary Discourse “Letters to Oles Honchar”: an Addressee-Addresser Strategy


S Stepanenko N


The range of the most topical issues of the up-to-date linguistics allows strengthening by the stylistic differentiation of the literary language. Actually, the researchers’ crucial attention is paid to the core problem of the epistolary discourse’s place within the stylistic paradigm. It is worth mentioning that in the specific structured epistolary style there is an addressee-addresser strategy, which holds a core position. The latter functions as an architectonic centre of the correspondence context. This research contains the thorough disquisition of the “Letters to Oles Honchar” epistolary, including 895 correspondences of the artistic word masters, publicists, literary experts, and specialists to Oles Honchar, the world-fame writer. In fact, the main attention was focused on the addressee (the compiler of the discourse under research clarified 2053 addressees and addressers) of the information, which comes from diverse addressees, different in terms of socio-psychological, cultural-intellectual and other factors, and explicates common and distinct communicative-content filling. It was firstly that the “Letters to Oles Honchar” epistolary appeared to be systemically characterised via the prism of mono-, bi-, and polyaddressability. As a result, the role of the vocative component as a mandatory epistolary attribute, predisposing the discourse formation in general and its contextual fragments in particular, the identification of the genre nature of the letter (primarily, the dichotomy “official / private correspondence”), was deeply examined.


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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