Shapoval S. D.,Vasylevska L. A.
Abstract. Goal. To find out the effectiveness of immunomodulating and immunostimulating therapy in the complex treatment of patients with surgical forms of erysipelas.
Materials and methods. Retrospectively and prospectively analyzed 236 disease histories of patients who received inpatient treatment in the center of purulent-septic surgery of KNP “City Hospital No. 3” in Zaporizhzhia for the period 2016-2022. Objective. To find out the effectiveness of immunomodulatory and immunostimulatory therapy in the complex treatment of patients with surgical forms of erysipelas.
The results. We did not detect disorders in the cellular and humoral links of immunity in patients with the erythematous form of hysteria. The formula of immune disorders in patients with bullous and phlegmonous forms of hysteria was as follows: CD3 + 1, CD4-1, CD8-1, CD16-2, CD22-1, which indicated a first-degree immune disorder. The formula of immune disorders in necrotic patients was as follows: CD3- 2, CD4-2, CD8-1, CD16-2, CD22-1, which indicated III degree of immune disorders.
Conclusion. The appointment of erbisol-extra and laferon in destructive forms of erysipelas is pathogenetically justified and can be used in the system of complex treatment.
Institute of General and Emergency Surgery Named after V.T. Zaitsev NAMS of Ukraine
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