1. Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur, Karnataka, India
2. N
To assess the effectiveness of providing free NRT to tobacco users in increasing quit attempts and to assess the perception of adherence, side effects and safety issues related to the usage in increasing quit attempt. A observational study was conducted to motivate tobacco users to have a quit attempt with a nicotine replacement sample among patients visiting out-patient department of a dental college. Baseline evaluation (demographic), Modified Fagerstrom test for Nicotine Dependence (MFTND) to assess nicotine addiction level, “breath analyzer” for the quantitative detection of levels of carbon monoxide were assessed. A free NRT sample was given. Telephonic follow up was done at an interval of 2 weeks, 1 month to assess the reduction in the mean MFTND score and to assess the perception of using NRT sample. All data was entered and analysed in SPSS for Windows version 22. Among the 40 subjects 80% were in the age group of 30-50 years and were males. The levels of carbon monoxide using breath analyser showed 80% of the subjects as heavy and chain smokers. Out of 40 subjects, 29 (72.5%) subjects were having high dependence calculated using MFTND which reduced to 2(5%) after using nicotine chewing gum. The mean and standard deviation of pre MFTND was 7.97±2.35 and for post MFTND it was 5.57±2.14 and the difference was highly significant (p< 0.005).: The results of this study confirm the efficacy of providing free nicotine replacement sample a novel strategy in motivating tobacco users to induce quit attempt.
IP Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd
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