Comparitive evaluation of antimicrobial effectiveness of silver oxide coatings on different types of ceramic brackets against Streptococcus mutans


Goud S. V. Ramesh1,Sigamani K. Raja2,Bhaskar ,Kumaran Kurinchi,Arafat Mohammed,Duvvuri S.N Reddy


1. Navodaya Dental College and Hospital, Raichur, Karnataka, India

2. N


The historical aspect of nanotechnology dates back to 600 BC. Taniguchi was the first to use the term nanotechnology in 1974, originating from a Greek word meaning “dwarf”. Nanotechnology when combined with dentistry and medicine created an interdisciplinary field i.e., nanodentistry and nanomedicine and this combination gets engineers, chemists, physicians on a single platform having various applications in detection, imaging and drug delivery devices.With respect to orthodontics, the nanoparticle coated archwires, adhesives, temporary anchorage devices, brackets, orthodontic wires with shape memory and biofilm control features have been applied. Silver nanoparticles are combined with different accessory orthodontic materials which results in the addition of more antimicrobial properties which inturn decreases the biofilm formation and maintain better oral health. Antibacterial effectiveness of nanosilver coated materials has been shown with and without the release of nanosilver ions in in vitro studies. In addition, long-term inhibitory effects against S.mutans have been found while no nanosilver ions were released. 30 MBT 0.022’’ monocrystalline ceramic brackets and 30 MBT 0.022’’ polycrystalline ceramic brackets (Metro Orthodontics) which are randomly divided into 4 groups: 2 control groups (group-1=15 uncoated monocrystalline and group-2=15 uncoated polycrystalline) and 2 experimental groups (group-3=15 silver oxide coated monocrystalline and group-4=15 silver oxide coated polycrystalline). S.mutans counts were significantly less in the experimental groups than control groups. Silver oxide coatings on ceramic brackets reduced the colony forming units of S. mutans. Both monocrystalline and polycrystalline coated brackets showed reduced number of colony forming units than their control groups.


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