

Li Lingda1,Pandey Santosh2,Flynn Thomas1,Liu Hang2,Wheeler Noel3,Hoisie Adolfy1


1. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA

2. Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA

3. Laboratory for Physical Sciences, College Park, MD, USA


While cycle-accurate simulators are essential tools for architecture research, design, and development, their practicality is limited by an extremely long time-to-solution for realistic applications under investigation. This work describes a concerted effort, where machine learning (ML) is used to accelerate microarchitecture simulation. First, an ML-based instruction latency prediction framework that accounts for both static instruction properties and dynamic processor states is constructed. Then, a GPU-accelerated parallel simulator is implemented based on the proposed instruction latency predictor, and its simulation accuracy and throughput are validated and evaluated against a state-of-the-art simulator. Leveraging modern GPUs, the ML-based simulator outperforms traditional CPU-based simulators significantly.


U.S. Department of Energy


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Computer Science (miscellaneous)

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2. DeepQueueNet;Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference;2022-08-22







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