1. [n. d.]. Steve Mann. Campus Canada, ISSN 0823--4531, p55 Feb-Mar 1985, pp58--59 Apr-May 1986, p72 Sep-Oct 1986 ([n. d.]).
2. 2010. Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper. (2010). http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/surveillance
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4. Mir Adnan Ali, Jonathan Polak Nachumow, Jocelyn A Srigley, Colin D Furness, Sebastian Mann, and Michael Gardam. 2013. Measuring the effect of sousveillance in increasing socially desirable behaviour. In ISTAS. IEEE, 266--267.
5. Vian Bakir. 2010. Sousveillance, media and strategic political comm... Continuum.