From Compositional Petri Net Modeling to Macro and Micro Simulation by Means of Stochastic Simulation and Agent-Based Models


Amparore Elvio1ORCID,Beccuti Marco1ORCID,Castagno Paolo1ORCID,Pernice Simone1ORCID,Franceschinis Giuliana2ORCID,Pennisi Marzio2ORCID


1. Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino, Italy

2. DiSIT, Università del Piemonte Orientale and UdR UPO, Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Telecomunicazioni, Italy


Computational modeling has become a widespread approach for studying real-world phenomena by using different modeling perspectives, in particular, the microscopic point of view concentrates on the behavior of the single components and their interactions from which the global system evolution emerges, while the macroscopic point of view represents the system’s overall behavior abstracting as much as possible from that of the single components. The preferred point of view depends on the effort required to develop the model, on the detail level of the available information about the system to be modeled, and on the type of measures that are of interest to the modeler; each point of view may lead to a different modeling language and simulation paradigm. An approach adequate for the microscopic point of view is Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation, which has gained popularity in the last few decades but lacks a formal definition common to the different tools supporting it. This may lead to modeling mistakes and wrong interpretation of the results, especially when comparing models of the same system developed according to different points of view. The aim of the work described in this paper is to provide a common compositional modeling language from which both a macro and a micro simulation model can be automatically derived: these models are coherent by construction and may be studied through different simulation approaches and tools. A framework is thus proposed in which a model can be composed using a Petri Net formalism and then studied through both an Agent-Based Simulation and a classical Stochastic Simulation Algorithm, depending on the study goal.


Creation of a computational framework to model and study West Nile Disease


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Media Technology,Information Systems,Software,Computer Science (miscellaneous)

Reference44 articles.

1. Agent Based Modelling and Simulation tools: A review of the state-of-art software

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3. 30 Years of GreatSPN

4. Multiformalism modeling and simulation of immune system mechanisms

5. The Ins and Outs of Petri Net Composition







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