Efficient (α, β)-core Computation: an Index-based Approach


Liu Boge1,Yuan Long2,Lin Xuemin1,Qin Lu3,Zhang Wenjie1,Zhou Jingren4


1. The University of New South Wales, Australia

2. Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

3. Centre for Artificial Intelligence, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, Australia

4. Alibaba Group, China


ACM Press

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2. Scalable Approximate Butterfly and Bi-triangle Counting for Large Bipartite Networks;Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data;2023-12-08

3. Efficient Maximal Biclique Enumeration on Large Uncertain Bipartite Graphs;IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering;2023-12-01

4. Practical and Malicious Multiparty Private Set Intersection for Small Sets;Electronics;2023-11-30

5. Efficient Core Maintenance in Large Bipartite Graphs;Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data;2023-11-13








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