1. OECD "In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All" 2015. {Online}. Available: http://www.keepeek. com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/employment/in-it-together-why-less-inequality-benefits-all_978926423 5120-en#page17. {Accessed: 14-Nov-2015}. OECD "In It Together: Why Less Inequality Benefits All" 2015. {Online}. Available: http://www.keepeek. com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/employment/in-it-together-why-less-inequality-benefits-all_978926423 5120-en#page17. {Accessed: 14-Nov-2015}.
2. UNDESA Inequality Matters: Report on the World Social Situation. 2013. UNDESA Inequality Matters: Report on the World Social Situation. 2013.
3. UNSTT "Realizing the Future We Want for All Report to the Secretary-General" 2012. UNSTT "Realizing the Future We Want for All Report to the Secretary-General" 2012.
4. Global Development Network "Varieties of Governance: Effective Public Service Delivery Concept Note" 2009. Global Development Network "Varieties of Governance: Effective Public Service Delivery Concept Note" 2009.