1. Semantic Foggy Scene Understanding with Synthetic Data
2. A General Approach for Simulating Rain Effects on Sensor Data in Real and Virtual Environments
3. Shao Z , Wu W , Wang Z , Seaships: A large-scale precisely annotated dataset for ship detection[J] . IEEE transactions on multimedia, 2018 , 20(10): 2593-2604.Matthew Van Gundy, Davide Balzarotti, and Giovanni Vigna. 2007. Catch me, if you can: Evading network signatures with web-based polymorphic worms. In Proceedings of the first USENIX workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT ’07) . USENIX Association , Berkley, CA, Article 7, 9 pages. Shao Z, Wu W, Wang Z, Seaships: A large-scale precisely annotated dataset for ship detection[J]. IEEE transactions on multimedia, 2018, 20(10): 2593-2604.Matthew Van Gundy, Davide Balzarotti, and Giovanni Vigna. 2007. Catch me, if you can: Evading network signatures with web-based polymorphic worms. In Proceedings of the first USENIX workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT ’07) . USENIX Association, Berkley, CA, Article 7, 9 pages.
4. First-Order Dynamic Logic
5. Stably maintained dendritic spines are associated with lifelong memories