An Experimental Study on BLE 5 Mesh Applied to Public Transportation


Biegelmeyer Anderson1ORCID,Roque Alexandre Dos Santos1ORCID,de Freitas Edison Pignaton2ORCID


1. Graduate Program on Electrical Engineering Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil

2. Graduate Program on Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil


Today, In-Vehicle Wireless Sensor Networks (IVWSNs) are being used by car manufacturers because it saves time in the assembling process; saves costs in the harness and after-sales; and makes vehicles lighter, which helps lessen fuel consumption. There is no definition for wireless solution technology for IVWSNs, because each one has its own characteristics, and probably this is one of the reasons for its smooth usage in the automotive industry. A gap identified in wireless sensor networks for the automotive domain is that the related literature focuses only on ordinary cars with a star topology and few of them with mesh topology. This article aims to cover this gap by presenting an experimental study performed on verifying the new Bluetooth 5 technology working in a mesh topology applied to public transportation systems (buses). To perform this evaluation, a setup to emulate an IVWSN was deployed in a working city bus. Measuring the network metrics, the bus was placed in a variety of conditions during its trajectory to determine the influence of the passengers and the whole environment on the data transmission. The results suggest that Bluetooth 5 in a mesh topology is a promising candidate for IVWSNs because it shows the robustness of losing only 0.16% packets in the worst test, as well as its ability to cover a wider range compared to its previous version, indeed a better RSSI and jitter, with lower transmission power, compared to a star topology. The round trip time results can support the analysis for time-critical applications.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference37 articles.

1. Bluetooth Group. 2019. Home Page. Retrieved February 21 2024 from

2. Silicon Labs. Bluetooth 5 Refined for IoT. Retrieved February 21 2024 from

3. Bluetooth Group. 2022. Bluetooth SIG Bluetooth Total Shipments.Retrieved February 21 2024 from

4. Philip Andersson and Linus Persson. 2020. Evaluation of Bluetooth 5.1 as an Indoor Positioning System. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

5. Characterization of Wireless Channel Impact on Wireless Sensor Network Performance in Public Transportation Buses







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