1. 1sheeld. 2021. 1Sheeld Android App. https://github.com/Integreight/1Sheeld-Android-App 1sheeld. 2021. 1Sheeld Android App. https://github.com/Integreight/1Sheeld-Android-App
2. Felix Bechstein. 2021. Call Meter 3G. https://github.com/felixb/callmeter Felix Bechstein. 2021. Call Meter 3G. https://github.com/felixb/callmeter
3. DuckDuckGo. 2021. DuckDuckGo Android. https://github.com/duckduckgo/Android DuckDuckGo. 2021. DuckDuckGo Android. https://github.com/duckduckgo/Android
4. FOSSASIA. 2021. PSLab Android App. https://github.com/fossasia/pslab-android FOSSASIA. 2021. PSLab Android App. https://github.com/fossasia/pslab-android
5. Cloak and Dagger: From Two Permissions to Complete Control of the UI Feedback Loop