1. Mapping QoE with Resource Estimation in IoT
2. MeFoRE: QoE based resource estimation at Fog to enhance QoS in IoT
3. ATmega16U4/32U4 Datasheet. url: https://ww1.microchip. com / downloads / en / devicedoc / atmel - 7766 - 8 - bit - avr - atmega16u4--32u4_datasheet.pdf (visited on 05/17/2023). ATmega16U4/32U4 Datasheet. url: https://ww1.microchip. com / downloads / en / devicedoc / atmel - 7766 - 8 - bit - avr - atmega16u4--32u4_datasheet.pdf (visited on 05/17/2023).
4. Avrora - The AVR Simulation and Analysis Framework. url: http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/avrora/ (visited on 03/17/2022). Avrora - The AVR Simulation and Analysis Framework. url: http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/avrora/ (visited on 03/17/2022).