1. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 2014. New report presents recom- mendations and initiatives to address CS education challenges. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 2014. New report presents recom- mendations and initiatives to address CS education challenges.
2. Michal Ayalon , Anne Watson , and Steve Lerman . 2016. Reasoning about variables in 11 to 18 year olds: informal, schooled and formal expression in learning about functions. Mathematics Education Research Journal 28 (May 2016 ). Michal Ayalon, Anne Watson, and Steve Lerman. 2016. Reasoning about variables in 11 to 18 year olds: informal, schooled and formal expression in learning about functions. Mathematics Education Research Journal 28 (May 2016).
3. Position paper: From interest to usefulness with BlockPy, a block-based, educational environment
4. Learnable programming
5. Roles of variables as seen by CS educators