1. Incremental relevance feedback
2. Eye Gaze Relevance Feedback Indicators for Information Retrieval
3. Marco Allegretti , Yashar Moshfeghi , Maria Hadjigeorgieva , Frank E Pollick , Joemon M Jose , and Gabriella Pasi . 2015 . When relevance judgement is happening? An EEG-based study . In Proceedings of the 38th international acm sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval. 719–722 . Marco Allegretti, Yashar Moshfeghi, Maria Hadjigeorgieva, Frank E Pollick, Joemon M Jose, and Gabriella Pasi. 2015. When relevance judgement is happening? An EEG-based study. In Proceedings of the 38th international acm sigir conference on research and development in information retrieval. 719–722.
4. Query expansion techniques for information retrieval: A survey
5. Cognitive Biases in Search