1. 2021. Top 50 Products By Total Number Of "Distinct" Vulnerabilities in 2021 . https://www.cvedetails.com/top-50-products.php?year=2021 2021. Top 50 Products By Total Number Of "Distinct" Vulnerabilities in 2021. https://www.cvedetails.com/top-50-products.php?year=2021
2. Jia-Ju Bai Julia Lawall Qiu-Liang Chen and Shi-Min Hu. 2019. Effective static analysis of concurrency use-after-free bugs in Linux device drivers. In 2019 $USENIX$ Annual Technical Conference ($USENIX$$ATC$ 19). 255–268. Jia-Ju Bai Julia Lawall Qiu-Liang Chen and Shi-Min Hu. 2019. Effective static analysis of concurrency use-after-free bugs in Linux device drivers. In 2019 $USENIX$ Annual Technical Conference ($USENIX$$ATC$ 19). 255–268.
3. Jia-Ju Bai , Tuo Li , Kangjie Lu , and Shi-Min Hu. 2021. Static Detection of Unsafe $DMA$ Accesses in Device Drivers . In 30th $USENIX$ Security Symposium ($USENIX$ Security 21). Jia-Ju Bai, Tuo Li, Kangjie Lu, and Shi-Min Hu. 2021. Static Detection of Unsafe $DMA$ Accesses in Device Drivers. In 30th $USENIX$ Security Symposium ($USENIX$ Security 21).
4. Jia-Ju Bai Yu-Ping Wang Julia Lawall and Shi-Min Hu. 2018. $DSAC$: Effective Static Analysis of Sleep-in-Atomic-Context Bugs in Kernel Modules. In 2018 $USENIX$ Annual Technical Conference ($USENIX$$ATC$ 18). 587–600. Jia-Ju Bai Yu-Ping Wang Julia Lawall and Shi-Min Hu. 2018. $DSAC$: Effective Static Analysis of Sleep-in-Atomic-Context Bugs in Kernel Modules. In 2018 $USENIX$ Annual Technical Conference ($USENIX$$ATC$ 18). 587–600.
5. NtFuzz: Enabling Type-Aware Kernel Fuzzing on Windows with Static Binary Analysis