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2. Petrik Clarberg and Tomas Akenine-Möller . 2008. Exploiting visibility correlation in direct illumination . In Computer Graphics Forum , Vol. 27 . Wiley Online Library , 1125--1136. Petrik Clarberg and Tomas Akenine-Möller. 2008. Exploiting visibility correlation in direct illumination. In Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 27. Wiley Online Library, 1125--1136.
3. Primary-space Adaptive Control Variates Using Piecewise-polynomial Approximations
4. Accurate direct illumination using iterative adaptive sampling
5. Shaohua Fan , Stephen Chenney , Bo Hu , Kam-Wah Tsui , and Yu-chi Lai. 2006. Optimizing control variate estimators for rendering . In Computer Graphics Forum , Vol. 25 . Wiley Online Library , 351--357. Shaohua Fan, Stephen Chenney, Bo Hu, Kam-Wah Tsui, and Yu-chi Lai. 2006. Optimizing control variate estimators for rendering. In Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 25. Wiley Online Library, 351--357.