Ministero dell-Istruzione, dell-Universita e della Ricerca
Reference17 articles.
1. CLUE, ControLling mUltiple streams for tElepresence (IETF).
2. Real-Time Communication in WEB-browsers (IETF).
3. Web Real-Time Communications Working Group Charter (W3C).
4. A. Amirante, T. Castaldi, L. Miniero, R. Presta, and S. P. Romano. Standard multimedia conferencing in the wild: the Meetecho architecture.Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, September 2011.
5. M. Barnes, L. Miniero, R. Presta, S. P. Romano, and H. Schulzrinne. CCMP: a novel standard protocol for conference management in the XCON framework. InIPTComm'10, pages 91--100, 2010.