1. R. Aly, K. McGuinness, S. Chen, N. E. O'Conner, K. Chatfield, O. M. Parkhi, R. Arandjelovic, A. Zisserman, B. Fernando, T. Tuytelaars, D. Oneata, M. Douze, J. Revaud, D. P. J. Schwenninger, H. Wang, Z. Harchaoui, J. Verbeek, and C. Schmid. AXES at TRECVid 2012. In TREC 2012 Video Retrieval Evaluation Online Proceedings (TRECVid 2012), Geithesburg, U.S., December 2012. NIST.
2. R. Aly, K. McGuinness, M. Kleppe, R. Ordelman, N. E. O'Connor, and F. de Jong. Link anchors in images: Is there truth? In Proceedings of the 12th Dutch Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop (DIR 2012), pages 1--4, Ghent, 2012. University Ghent.
3. M. Bron, B. Huurnink, and M. de Rijke. Linking archives using document enrichment and term selection. In Proceedings of TPDL 2011, pages 2357--2360, 2011.
4. K. Chatfield and A. Zisserman. Visor: Towards on-the-fly large-scale object category retrieval. In Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 2012.
5. M. Eskevich, G. J. F. Jones, M. Larson, C. Wartena, R. Aly, T. Verschoor, and R. Ordelman. Comparing retrieval effectiveness of alternative content segmentation methods for internet video search. In 10th Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 2012.