1. Anshul Bawa , Pranav Khadpe , Pratik Joshi , Kalika Bali , and Monojit Choudhury . 2020. Do Multilingual Users Prefer Chat-bots that Code-mix? Let’s Nudge and Find Out!Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4 , CSCW1 ( 2020 ), 1–23. Anshul Bawa, Pranav Khadpe, Pratik Joshi, Kalika Bali, and Monojit Choudhury. 2020. Do Multilingual Users Prefer Chat-bots that Code-mix? Let’s Nudge and Find Out!Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4, CSCW1 (2020), 1–23.
2. Chatbot-based Emotion Management for Distributed Teams
3. Where is the Bot in our Team? Toward a Taxonomy of Design Option Combinations for Conversational Agents in Collaborative Work
4. Evaluation in participatory design
5. Does AI make PD obsolete?