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2. Ghadah Alghamdi, Renate A. Schmidt, Warren Del-Pinto, and Yongsheng Gao. 2021. Upwardly Abstracted Definition-Based Subontologies. In K-CAP ’21: Knowledge Capture Conference. ACM, 209–216.
3. Franz Baader, Ian Horrocks, Carsten Lutz, and Ulrike Sattler. 2017. An Introduction to Description Logic. Cambridge University Press.
4. Ontology Extraction for Large Ontologies via Modularity and Forgetting
5. Silvio Ghilardi, Carsten Lutz, and Frank Wolter. 2006. Did I Damage My Ontology? A Case for Conservative Extensions in Description Logics. In Proc. KR’06. AAAI Press, 187–197.