1. Understanding the design space of DRAM-optimized hardware FFT accelerators
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3. Edward Anderson , Zhaojun Bai , Christian Bischof , L Susan Blackford , James Demmel , Jack Dongarra , Jeremy Du Croz , Anne Greenbaum, Sven Hammarling, Alan McKenney, et al. 1999 . LAPACK Users' guide. SIAM , Philidelphia, PA. https://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/ Edward Anderson, Zhaojun Bai, Christian Bischof, L Susan Blackford, James Demmel, Jack Dongarra, Jeremy Du Croz, Anne Greenbaum, Sven Hammarling, Alan McKenney, et al. 1999. LAPACK Users' guide. SIAM, Philidelphia, PA. https://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/
4. Apple. 2021. Airpods Max. Apple. https://www.apple.com/airpods-max/ Apple. 2021. Airpods Max. Apple. https://www.apple.com/airpods-max/
5. ARM. 2021. Cortex-A53. Arm Ltd . https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0500/j/Cortex-A53 ARM. 2021. Cortex-A53. Arm Ltd. https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ddi0500/j/Cortex-A53