A Cooperative-Competitive Multi-Agent Framework for Auto-bidding in Online Advertising


Wen Chao1,Xu Miao2,Zhang Zhilin2,Zheng Zhenzhe3,Wang Yuhui4,Liu Xiangyu2,Rong Yu2,Xie Dong2,Tan Xiaoyang4,Yu Chuan2,Xu Jian2,Wu Fan3,Chen Guihai3,Zhu Xiaoqiang2,Zheng Bo2


1. MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence & Alibaba Group, Nanjing, China

2. Alibaba Group, Beijing, China

3. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

4. MIIT Key Laboratory of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Nanjing, China


National Science Foundation of China

Shanghai Science and Technology Fund

Alibaba Research Intern Program

Science and Technology Innovation 2030 ? New Generation Artificial Intelligence

Alibaba Innovation Research Program



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