1. Billas S. 2002. A data-driven game object system. Talk at the '02 Game Developers Conference. Billas S. 2002. A data-driven game object system. Talk at the '02 Game Developers Conference.
2. Billas S. 2007. Optimizing the development pipeline - Tools technology process. Lecture at the CGA Casual Connect Europe: West 2007. Billas S. 2007. Optimizing the development pipeline - Tools technology process. Lecture at the CGA Casual Connect Europe: West 2007.
3. CryTek. 2008. Cryengine Sandbox 2 Manual. http://doc.crymod.com/SandboxManual/. CryTek. 2008. Cryengine Sandbox 2 Manual. http://doc.crymod.com/SandboxManual/.
4. Parallel processing between GPU and CPU: Concepts in a game architecture