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4. The Web Never Forgets
5. Güne" Acar, Brendan Van Alsenoy , Frank Piessens , Claudia Diaz , and Bart Preneel . 2015 . Facebook Tracking Through Social Plug-ins. Technical report prepared for the Belgian Privacy Commission. Version 1.1. COSIC, ICRI/CIR , DistriNet (KU Leuven), (June 24 , 2015). https://securehomes.esat.kuleuven.be /~gacar/fb_tracking/fb_plugins.pdf. Güne" Acar, Brendan Van Alsenoy, Frank Piessens, Claudia Diaz, and Bart Preneel. 2015. Facebook Tracking Through Social Plug-ins. Technical report prepared for the Belgian Privacy Commission. Version 1.1. COSIC, ICRI/CIR, DistriNet (KU Leuven), (June 24, 2015). https://securehomes.esat.kuleuven.be /~gacar/fb_tracking/fb_plugins.pdf.