1. Steve Ashby Pete Beckman Jackie Chen Phil Colella Bill Collins Dona Crawford Jack Dongarra Doug Kothe Rusty Lusk Paul Messina etal 2010. The opportunities and challenges of exascale computing. Steve Ashby Pete Beckman Jackie Chen Phil Colella Bill Collins Dona Crawford Jack Dongarra Doug Kothe Rusty Lusk Paul Messina et al. 2010. The opportunities and challenges of exascale computing.
2. FTI
3. Lightweight Silent Data Corruption Detection Based on Runtime Data Analysis for HPC Applications
4. Failure Analysis of Virtual and Physical Machines: Patterns, Causes and Characteristics
5. Franck Cappello Al Geist B. Gropp L. Kale Bill Kramer and M. Snir. 2014. Toward Exascale Resilience:2014 Update. Technical Report. Franck Cappello Al Geist B. Gropp L. Kale Bill Kramer and M. Snir. 2014. Toward Exascale Resilience:2014 Update. Technical Report.