1. Chatbots: History, technology, and applications
2. Hussam Alkaissi and Samy I McFarlane. 2023. Artificial Hallucinations in Chat-GPT: Implications in Scientific Writing. Curēus 15, 2 (2023), 4 pages.
3. Antonia Bertolino, Emilio Cruciani, Breno Miranda, and Roberto Verdecchia. 2022. Testing Non-Testable Programs Using Association Rules. In 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automation of Software Test. ACM/IEEE, 87--91.
4. Ontology-based metamorphic testing for chatbots
5. Josip Bozic, Oliver A. Tazl, and Franz Wotawa. 2019. Chatbot Testing Using AI Planning. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest). IEEE, 37--44.