1. Computer Design of Multiple-Output Logical Networks
2. Dewar R.B. SPITBOL. SNOBOL4 Document S4D23 Illinois Inst. of Tech. Chicago Feb. 1971. Dewar R.B. SPITBOL. SNOBOL4 Document S4D23 Illinois Inst. of Tech. Chicago Feb. 1971.
3. Gimpel J.F. SITBOL--A SNOBOL4 for the PDP-10. SNOBOL4 Document $4D30 Bell Lab. Holmdel N. J. June 1 1973. Gimpel J.F. SITBOL--A SNOBOL4 for the PDP-10. SNOBOL4 Document $4D30 Bell Lab. Holmdel N. J. June 1 1973.
4. Gimpel; J.F. A design for SNOBOL4 for the PDP-10. SNOBOL4 Document S4D29b Bell Lab. Holmdel N.J. May 1973. Gimpel; J.F. A design for SNOBOL4 for the PDP-10. SNOBOL4 Document S4D29b Bell Lab. Holmdel N.J. May 1973.