1. 1
. Federal Trade Commission. False claims in spam: A report by the FTC's division of marketing practices (April 30 2003); http://www.ftc.gov/reports/spam/ 030429spamreport.pdf. 1. Federal Trade Commission. False claims in spam: A report by the FTC's division of marketing practices (April 30 2003); http://www.ftc.gov/reports/spam/ 030429spamreport.pdf.
2. 2
. Kane Margaret. EarthLink wins $24 million from spammer (July 19 2002); http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1106- 945169.html. 2. Kane Margaret. EarthLink wins $24 million from spammer (July 19 2002); http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1106- 945169.html.
3. 3
. Text of Senate bill S.877 (CAN SPAM Act of 2003); http://thomas.loc.gov/. 3. Text of Senate bill S.877 (CAN SPAM Act of 2003); http://thomas.loc.gov/.