1. Alekh Agarwal Alina Beygelzimer Miroslav Dudik John Langford and Hanna Wallach. 2018. A Reductions Approach to Fair Classification. 60–69 pages. https://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/agarwal18a.html Alekh Agarwal Alina Beygelzimer Miroslav Dudik John Langford and Hanna Wallach. 2018. A Reductions Approach to Fair Classification. 60–69 pages. https://proceedings.mlr.press/v80/agarwal18a.html
2. NIST AI. 2023. Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0). NIST AI. 2023. Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0).
3. Nil-Jana Akpinar Manish Nagireddy Logan Stapleton Hao-Fei Cheng Haiyi Zhu Steven Wu and Hoda Heidari. 2022. A Sandbox Tool to Bias (Stress)-Test Fairness Algorithms. Nil-Jana Akpinar Manish Nagireddy Logan Stapleton Hao-Fei Cheng Haiyi Zhu Steven Wu and Hoda Heidari. 2022. A Sandbox Tool to Bias (Stress)-Test Fairness Algorithms.
4. Aws Albarghouthi and Samuel Vinitsky. 2019. Fairness-aware programming. 211–219 pages. Aws Albarghouthi and Samuel Vinitsky. 2019. Fairness-aware programming. 211–219 pages.
5. Eugene Bagdasaryan Omid Poursaeed and Vitaly Shmatikov. 2019. Differential privacy has disparate impact on model accuracy. Eugene Bagdasaryan Omid Poursaeed and Vitaly Shmatikov. 2019. Differential privacy has disparate impact on model accuracy.