Algorithms for distributed functional monitoring


Cormode Graham1,Muthukrishnan S.2,Yi Ke3


1. AT&T Labs, Florham Park, NJ

2. Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

3. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China


Consider the following problem: We have k players each receiving a stream of items, and communicating with a central coordinator. Let the multiset of items received by player i up until time t be A i ( t ). The coordinator's task is to monitor a given function f computed over the union of the inputs ∪ i A i ( t ), continuously at all times t . The goal is to minimize the number of bits communicated between the players and the coordinator. Of interest is the approximate version where the coordinator outputs 1 if f ≥ τ and 0 if f ≤ (1−ϵ)τ. This defines the ( k , f ,τ,ϵ) distributed functional monitoring problem. Functional monitoring problems are fundamental in distributed systems, in particular sensor networks, where we must minimize communication; they also connect to the well-studied streaming model and communication complexity. Yet few formal bounds are known for functional monitoring. We give upper and lower bounds for the ( k , f ,τ,ϵ) problem for some of the basic f 's. In particular, we study the frequency moments F p for p =0,1,2. For F 0 and F 1 , we obtain monitoring algorithms with cost almost the same as algorithms that compute the function for a single instance of time. However, for F 2 the monitoring problem seems to be much harder than computing the function for a single time instance. We give a carefully constructed multiround algorithm that uses “sketch summaries” at multiple levels of details and solves the ( k , F 2 ,τ,ϵ) problem with communication Õ ( k 2 /ϵ + k 3/23 ). Our algorithmic techniques are likely to be useful for other functional monitoring problems as well.


National Science Foundation


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Mathematics (miscellaneous)

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1. Model Counting Meets Distinct Elements;Communications of the ACM;2023-08-23

2. Model Counting Meets F 0 Estimation;ACM Transactions on Database Systems;2023-08-09

3. Towards Optimal Moment Estimation in Streaming and Distributed Models;ACM Transactions on Algorithms;2023-06-24

4. Intermediate Value Linearizability: A Quantitative Correctness Criterion;Journal of the ACM;2023-04-18

5. AutoMon: Automatic Distributed Monitoring for Arbitrary Multivariate Functions;Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data;2022-06-10







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