1. G. Bishop "Gary's Ikonas Assembler Version 2 Differences between GIA-2 and C ' Technical Report 82- 010 University of North Carolina (June 1982). G. Bishop "Gary's Ikonas Assembler Version 2 Differences between GIA-2 and C ' Technical Report 82- 010 University of North Carolina (June 1982).
2. J. Darlington A Semantic Approach to Automatic Program Zmprovment PhD thesis University of Edinburgh Scotland (1972). J. Darlington A Semantic Approach to Automatic Program Zmprovment PhD thesis University of Edinburgh Scotland (1972).
3. An Overview of Firmware Engineering
4. A Transformational Derivation of a Parsing Algorithm in a High-Level Language
5. A. Goldberg and D. Robson Smulltulk-80: The Language and its Implementation Addison-Wesley Reading Massachusetts (1983). A. Goldberg and D. Robson Smulltulk-80: The Language and its Implementation Addison-Wesley Reading Massachusetts (1983).