1. Asana. http://asana.com. (Accessed on 09/18/2017). Asana. http://asana.com. (Accessed on 09/18/2017).
2. To-do bot by workast - slack app directory. https://cartheftbot.slack.com/apps/ A0HBTUUPK-to-do-bot-by-workast. (Accessed on 09/18/2017). To-do bot by workast - slack app directory. https://cartheftbot.slack.com/apps/ A0HBTUUPK-to-do-bot-by-workast. (Accessed on 09/18/2017).
3. Trello. http://trello.com. (Accessed on 09/18/2017). Trello. http://trello.com. (Accessed on 09/18/2017).
4. The trello app for microsoft teams - trello help. http://help.trello.com/article/ 1086-the-trello-app-for-microsoft-teams. (Accessed on 09/18/2017). The trello app for microsoft teams - trello help. http://help.trello.com/article/ 1086-the-trello-app-for-microsoft-teams. (Accessed on 09/18/2017).
5. Visual studio online. https://www.visualstudio.com/vso/. (Accessed on 09/18/2017). Visual studio online. https://www.visualstudio.com/vso/. (Accessed on 09/18/2017).