Flowchart techniques for structured programming


Nassi I.1,Shneiderman B.1


1. State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, L. I., New York


With the advent of structured programming and GOTO-less programming a method is needed to model computation in simply ordered structures, each representing a complete thought possibly defined in terms of other thoughts as yet undefined. A model is needed which prevents unrestricted transfers of control and has a control structure closer to languages amenable to structured programming. We present an attempt at such a model.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design,Software

Reference7 articles.

1. Top-Down Programming in Large Systems by H. Mills Debugging Techniques in Large System (Courant Institute) Top-Down Programming in Large Systems by H. Mills Debugging Techniques in Large System (Courant Institute)

2. Reflections on a Systems Programming Language by Wulf etal SIGPLAN Notices V 6 No. 9 10.1145/942596.807059 Reflections on a Systems Programming Language by Wulf et al SIGPLAN Notices V 6 No. 9 10.1145/942596.807059

3. Structured Programming by E. W. Dijkstra Nato Science Committee - Software Engineering Techniques April 1970 Structured Programming by E. W. Dijkstra Nato Science Committee - Software Engineering Techniques April 1970

4. GO TO Statement Considered Harmful by E. W. Dijkstra CACM V 11 No. 3 GO TO Statement Considered Harmful by E. W. Dijkstra CACM V 11 No. 3

5. Flow Diagrams Turing Machines and Languages With Only Two Formation Rules by C. Bohm and G. Jacopini CACM V 9 No. 5 10.1145/355592.365646 Flow Diagrams Turing Machines and Languages With Only Two Formation Rules by C. Bohm and G. Jacopini CACM V 9 No. 5 10.1145/355592.365646

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