1. Top-Down Programming in Large Systems by H. Mills Debugging Techniques in Large System (Courant Institute) Top-Down Programming in Large Systems by H. Mills Debugging Techniques in Large System (Courant Institute)
2. Reflections on a Systems Programming Language by Wulf etal SIGPLAN Notices V 6 No. 9 10.1145/942596.807059 Reflections on a Systems Programming Language by Wulf et al SIGPLAN Notices V 6 No. 9 10.1145/942596.807059
3. Structured Programming by E. W. Dijkstra Nato Science Committee - Software Engineering Techniques April 1970 Structured Programming by E. W. Dijkstra Nato Science Committee - Software Engineering Techniques April 1970
4. GO TO Statement Considered Harmful by E. W. Dijkstra CACM V 11 No. 3 GO TO Statement Considered Harmful by E. W. Dijkstra CACM V 11 No. 3
5. Flow Diagrams Turing Machines and Languages With Only Two Formation Rules by C. Bohm and G. Jacopini CACM V 9 No. 5 10.1145/355592.365646 Flow Diagrams Turing Machines and Languages With Only Two Formation Rules by C. Bohm and G. Jacopini CACM V 9 No. 5 10.1145/355592.365646