1. The State of Ransomware 2020 Sophos https://bit.ly/3dtlIbb The State of Ransomware 2020 Sophos https://bit.ly/3dtlIbb
2. Ibid. Ibid.
3. New Jersey hospital paid ransomware gang $670K to prevent data leak BleepingComputer https://bit.ly/3jXOWBj New Jersey hospital paid ransomware gang $670K to prevent data leak BleepingComputer https://bit.ly/3jXOWBj
4. The new target that enables ransomware hackers to paralyze dozens of towns and businesses at once GCN https://gcn.com/articles/2019/09/12/ransomware-msp.aspx The new target that enables ransomware hackers to paralyze dozens of towns and businesses at once GCN https://gcn.com/articles/2019/09/12/ransomware-msp.aspx