1. Edward Fredkm "Horizon " BBC Television 1983. Edward Fredkm "Horizon " BBC Television 1983.
2. Artificial Intelligence Daedalus Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Scineces Vol 117 . No 1. Winter 1988. Artificial Intelligence Daedalus Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Scineces Vol 117 . No 1. Winter 1988.
3. Every age has its myths of intelligent life through technology: Adam and Eve Coppelia Frankenstein: mud technology clockwork and electricity respectively. Every age has its myths of intelligent life through technology: Adam and Eve Coppelia Frankenstein: mud technology clockwork and electricity respectively.
4. it is for this reason that this essay uses no modern arguments. The most modern ideas here date-from the last century and some go back ~.o Plato (c.428-347 B.C ) and earlier. Even the style of presentation .is the Anciem Greek form of reading aloud. it is for this reason that this essay uses no modern arguments. The most modern ideas here date-from the last century and some go back ~.o Plato (c.428-347 B.C ) and earlier. Even the style of presentation .is the Anciem Greek form of reading aloud.
5. Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.