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2. Training in the mitigation of anchoring bias: A test of the consider-the-opposite strategy
3. Automated detection of exudates and macula for grading of diabetic macular edema
4. Niels-Bjørn Albinus. 2021. Antallet af øjenpatienter er eksploderet på 15 år. https://dagensmedicin.dk/antallet-af-oejenpatienter-er-eksploderet-paa-15-aar/ Niels-Bjørn Albinus. 2021. Antallet af øjenpatienter er eksploderet på 15 år. https://dagensmedicin.dk/antallet-af-oejenpatienter-er-eksploderet-paa-15-aar/
5. A Human-Centered Evaluation of a Deep Learning System Deployed in Clinics for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy