1. ‘This is a solar-powered website, which means it sometimes goes offline’: a design inquiry into degrowth and ICT
2. Cheryl Akner-Koler and Parivash Ranjbar . 2016. Integrating Sensitizing Labs in an Educational Design Process for Haptic Interaction. FormAkademisk - forskningstidsskrift for design og designdidaktikk 9, 2 (Aug . 2016 ). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.1269 10.7577/formakademisk.1269 Cheryl Akner-Koler and Parivash Ranjbar. 2016. Integrating Sensitizing Labs in an Educational Design Process for Haptic Interaction. FormAkademisk - forskningstidsskrift for design og designdidaktikk 9, 2 (Aug. 2016). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.1269
3. S Backlund , M. Gyllenswärd , A. Gustafsson , S. Ilstedt Hjelm , R. Mazé , and J. Redström . 2006. STATIC! The Aesthetics of Energy in Everyday Things . DRS Biennial Conference Series (Nov. 2006 ). https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs 2006 /researchpapers/36 S Backlund, M. Gyllenswärd, A. Gustafsson, S. Ilstedt Hjelm, R. Mazé, and J. Redström. 2006. STATIC! The Aesthetics of Energy in Everyday Things. DRS Biennial Conference Series (Nov. 2006). https://dl.designresearchsociety.org/drs-conference-papers/drs2006/researchpapers/36
4. Emotion Work in Experience-Centered Design
5. Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter