1. Maurício Aniche. [n.d.]. Why software testing? https://sttp.site/chapters/getting-started/why-software-testing.html Maurício Aniche. [n.d.]. Why software testing? https://sttp.site/chapters/getting-started/why-software-testing.html
2. Maurício Aniche. 2022. Effective Software Testing: A developer's guide. Manning. Maurício Aniche. 2022. Effective Software Testing: A developer's guide. Manning.
3. Maurício Aniche , Christoph Treude , and Andy Zaidman . [n.d.]. How Developers Engineer Test Cases: An Observational Study . IEEE Trans. on Softw. Engineering ([n. d.]). To Appear . Maurício Aniche, Christoph Treude, and Andy Zaidman. [n.d.]. How Developers Engineer Test Cases: An Observational Study. IEEE Trans. on Softw. Engineering ([n. d.]). To Appear.
4. Test Code Quality and Its Relation to Issue Handling Performance
5. Developer Testing in the IDE: Patterns, Beliefs, and Behavior