
Balakrishnan Gogul1,Reps Thomas2


1. NEC Laboratories America, Inc., Princeton, NJ

2. University of Wisconsin and GrammaTech, Inc., Ithaca, NY


Over the last seven years, we have developed static-analysis methods to recover a good approximation to the variables and dynamically allocated memory objects of a stripped executable, and to track the flow of values through them. The article presents the algorithms that we developed, explains how they are used to recover Intermediate Representations (IRs) from executables that are similar to the IRs that would be available if one started from source code, and describes their application in the context of program understanding and automated bug hunting. Unlike algorithms for analyzing executables that existed prior to our work, the ones presented in this article provide useful information about memory accesses, even in the absence of debugging information. The ideas described in the article are incorporated in a tool for analyzing Intel x86 executables, called CodeSurfer/x86. CodeSurfer/x86 builds a system dependence graph for the program, and provides a GUI for exploring the graph by (i) navigating its edges, and (ii) invoking operations, such as forward slicing, backward slicing, and chopping, to discover how parts of the program can impact other parts. To assess the usefulness of the IRs recovered by CodeSurfer/x86 in the context of automated bug hunting, we built a tool on top of CodeSurfer/x86, called Device-Driver Analyzer for x86 (DDA/x86), which analyzes device-driver executables for bugs. Without the benefit of either source code or symbol-table/debugging information, DDA/x86 was able to find known bugs (that had been discovered previously by source-code analysis tools), along with useful error traces, while having a low false-positive rate. DDA/x86 is the first known application of program analysis/verification techniques to industrial executables.


National Science Foundation

Division of Computing and Communication Foundations


Air Force Research Laboratory

Office of Naval Research


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)



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1. A Survey of Control Flow Graph Recovery for Binary Code;Computer Applications;2023-12-16

2. Con2Mix: A semi-supervised method for imbalanced tabular security data1;Journal of Computer Security;2023-11-10

3. Exploring Missed Optimizations in WebAssembly Optimizers;Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis;2023-07-12

4. Detecting Vulnerabilities in Linux-Based Embedded Firmware with SSE-Based On-Demand Alias Analysis;Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis;2023-07-12

5. AbsIntIO: Towards Showing the Absence of Integer Overflows in Binaries using Abstract Interpretation;Proceedings of the ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security;2023-07-10








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