1. Mads Adger. 2013. {Blink-dev} Oilpan - experimenting with a garbage collected heap for the DOM. http://bit.ly/2pwDhwk . Mads Adger. 2013. {Blink-dev} Oilpan - experimenting with a garbage collected heap for the DOM. http://bit.ly/2pwDhwk .
2. Hoard
3. DieHard
4. Michele Casey. 2013. Performance Issues with Transparent Huge Pages (THP). https://blogs.oracle.com/linux/ performance-issues-with-transparent-huge-pages-thp . Michele Casey. 2013. Performance Issues with Transparent Huge Pages (THP). https://blogs.oracle.com/linux/ performance-issues-with-transparent-huge-pages-thp .
5. The pauseless GC algorithm